Teen Initiative Program

In the spirit of Gold Ribbon Riders, teenagers showed up and asked how they could contribute to the effort to beat childhood cancers. The Teen Initiative is a leadership development program, created and powered BY KIDS FOR KIDS searching for real opportunities to lend their strengths to the cause. With small and large events throughout the year, the Teen Initiative offers teens many chances to get involved. As an added bonus, high school students build their college resume with authentic, meaningful service experiences.

“This is so much more than a line on my resume”
— Sarah Schwartz, 11th Grade, Intern

Spotlight On Our Interns:

Sarah Schwartz

Hanna Tepper

Claire Wilensky

David Xuereb

Teen Initiative Co-Founders

Max Falkove, Aaron Hafkin, Mollie Falkove (as pictured left to right) 

“Gold Ribbon Riders had ways for adults and young kids to get involved. We knew teens were the missing piece.”
— Max Falkove (said in 11th grade), Co-Founder

Request community service hours!